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UWA Profiles and Research Repository Support

Guidance for setting up your UWA Profile and adding publications to your profile and the Repository.

Add your biography

Once you’ve uploaded your photo why not add a short biography to tell visitors about yourself and your role(s)? This biography will appear on the Overview section of your profile and be one of the first things visitors see:

To populate your biography:

  1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
  2. Click on Edit profile.
  3. Scroll down to the Profile information fields section, and under Profile information click Add profile information.
  4. Populate your biography.
  5. Click Create and then Save.

You can view your public profile to see the changes you've just made.

GIF demonstrating the steps involved in updating your biography in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository

What information should I include in my biography?

When writing a biography,  consider the following:

  • Job titles are great but remember not everyone is going to know what they mean. Where you give a position title, it's useful to qualify it with a brief explanation of the role. 
  • Avoid writing lists of accomplishments or previous jobs - that is more the realm of a resume.
  • Keep the tone conversational.
  • Avoid acronyms, unless they are very well known such as ABC, HBF, CNN etc.
  • Keep an eye on length. Less can often be more!
  • Foremost, consider your audience - who is reading this and what do they need to know?

See Reach Industry and External Partners for tips on using your profile to outreach to industry and external partners. 

Other overview headings

You may wish to include other sections, such as Research Interests, Industry relevance, Current projects, Funding,Teaching Overview and more. Follow the instructions above but see the drop-down list under Type for further options. If you choose not to populate a field, it simply won’t show on your profile.



By default, the biography will appear at the top of the page but you change the order of other sections if you wish to make them more prominent by moving them closer to the top of the page.


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