You can set up an automated search for your publications in various online sources (i.e. Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, arXiv etc.). Once you have set up the automated search, the UWA Profiles and Research Repository will find publications from the online source for you to import. Follow the instructions below on how to set up an automated search of your publications.
- Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
- Click Edit profile.
- Click Automated search from the left side of the menu.
- Select the most relevant database(s) for your publications and enable the automated search by switching the toggle to On.
If you are enabling the Scopus automated search and have a Scopus Author ID, jump to Step 8. For all other online sources, proceed with the next steps.
- For each enabled import source, add your name variants so that the importer can search for publications with these names. The system will initially suggest name variants. Click Add suggested names to populate these into the Name variant list.

- Click Edit name to edit the suggested name variants and the minus symbol to remove variants. Note: it is recommended to remove the first initial last name variant (i.e. B Shant) as this tends to create a lot of false matches. Click Add name to add additional ones to the name variants list.

- Click Preview candidates to preview the publication records that will be imported, based on the name variants you have used.

- If you are enabling an automated search of your publications from Scopus and you have a Scopus Author ID, the UWA Profiles and Research Repository will search for publications in Scopus based on your Scopus Author ID instead of your name. Check that your Scopus Author ID is added correctly:
- If you have a Scopus Author ID recorded on your Repository profile, your Scopus Author ID will automatically populate in the search field. If it is incorrect, you can click Edit, then click Find your ID in Scopus to populate your correct ID.

- If your Scopus Author ID is missing, click Metadata in the left-hand column, then in the section labelled ID click Add ID

- If you would like to receive email notifications of new import candidates, make sure to check the box under ‘Set up automated search for publications in online sources’.

- Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

- The automated search is performed on a weekly basis. Publications (i.e. ‘candidates’) will display under your Tasks on the right column of your Personal overview page. You can then click on the candidates to import the records to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository.

Publications become visible in the Repository based on their audit status. All records default to private (non-public) when added to the Repository. Once a Library staff member begins the audit process and changes the status to approved the record will appear on your profile. This can take up to five days depending on how many records are waiting to be approved. If your publication is still not appearing on your profile after two weeks, please contact the Librarian Support Team.