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UWA Profiles and Research Repository Support

Guidance for setting up your UWA Profile and adding publications to your profile and the Repository.

Create from template

If you are unable to import your publications from an online source or file, you can enter them manually into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository using a blank template by following the instructions below.

  1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
  2. Click the green +Add content button.
  3. Select Research output, then Create from template. Select the most appropriate template type for your publication, then click Choose

  1. Enter all the relevant metadata to the record, ensuring fields marked with a red asterisk are filled in:
  2. Use the Add person functionality to add any other authors to the record. 

  1. The Managing organisational unit will automatically populate with your current UWA affiliation. If it does not, manually enter it by typing your current UWA affiliation and selecting it from the dropdown menu.

  1. Upload a copy of the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM), in accordance with the UWA Research Integrity Policy requirement. Read more about author rights and sourcing your AAMs in the Library's Open Access Toolkit.  
    1. Under Upload a file, link or DOI, select Add Open Acces version here (file, DOI, or link)...
    2. Select Upload an electronic version
    3. Drag the AAM from your saved location, or click browse your computer and locate the AAM from your saved location and double click on the file.
    4. Once the file has uploaded, set the document version and select Unknown from the Public access to file drop-down menu. Library staff will check copyright and Publisher conditions before making the file open access.
    5. Click Create

  1. Add one or more 2020 Fields of Research (FoR) codes and apportionments
    1. Select Add 2020 Fields of research
    2. Click on the + icon and search for the relevant code
    3. Enter the appointionment and click Create. You can assign up to three FoR codes, as long as the apportionments add up to 100%.

  1.  If your publication was funded by the ARC or NHMRC, add your grant information to the publication record. Read more about the requirements for depositing ARC and NHMRC funded research in the Library's Open Access Toolkit.  
    1. Under Funding Source select Add funding source...
    2. Select the appropriate funding source from the list of availableoptions. Note: ARC (UWA CIA) and NHMRC (UWA CIA) indicates that there is a UWA Chief Investigator on the grant.
    3. Once you have selected the funding source, add the grant ID/s to the Free keywords field.

10. Click the Save button at the bottom of the record


Publications become visible in the Repository based on their audit status. All records default to private (non-public) when entered into the Repository. Once a Library staff member begins the audit process and changes the status to approved the record will appear on your profile. This can take up to five days depending on how many records are waiting to be approved. If your publication is still not appearing on your profile after two weeks, please contact the Librarian Support Team.

Adding Creative Works and Non-traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)

Creative works and non-traditional research outputs include works like creative writing, architectural and environmental designs, curated or exhibited events, live performances, music compositions, recorded works and visual arts. These types of outputs can be created from a template  using the steps above. There are several templates available under the Non-traditional research outputs heading:

For auditing purposes, verification materials need to be provided for these kinds of outputs. See the required verification materials for each output type on pages 27-35 of the UWA Publications Manual. These should be added under the Upload a file, link or DOI section using the Other files option:

For assistance with adding creative works, contact the Library team:


Adding Preprints

A record for a preprint manuscript can be added to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository in two ways:

1. By manually entering the details of the preprint into the Research Output > Working Paper > Preprint template using the steps detailed above.


2. By an online import from arXiv if the preprint is already uploaded there.

Important Notes

  • An open access file can be attached to the record and/or a link added which directs to a copy of the preprint in a resource such such as arXiv, SSRN or medarXiv. 
  • Once the manuscript is peer-reviewed and formally published a record for the published version (as a separate entity) should be added to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository.
  • Both the preprint manuscript and the published document  will be listed on the author's profile as separate research output records and will collect their own metrics. Authors are advised to relate the two records to provide a visible link between the preprint and the published version. 

To relate two records in the repository:

1. Login into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.

2. Under your research outputs, locate the record for either the final published version or the preprint (does not matter which) and click on the title to open the record.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the record to find the Relations heading.

4. Click on the icon under Research Outputs and search for the title of the other record and then select it.

5. Wait a few seconds for the relation to be added, you will see the title of the other record appear under the Relations section.

6. Click the blue Save icon to save your changes. 

7. The relation should be visible in both public records within a couple of minutes of the changes being saved.


 Except for logos, Canva designs, AI generated images or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.