Newsflo is a media monitoring service which imports news items related to UWA staff and publications into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository press/media module automatically. Newsflo provides the ability to measure research impact by covering relevant mentions of work across tens of thousands of mass media outlets around the world.
When Newsflo imports a press/media record for your profile it will be hidden from public view and you will receive an automatic notification email. There is no need for you to action this email, as staff in the Library's Research Publications and Data Services team monitor all incoming Newsflo records and will only approve these for public display following a quality assurance and relevance assessment. You can login and disclaim the record yourself if you would like to do so.
You can elect to switch off email notifications for the Newsflo service by following the steps below.
- Login to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
- Click on your staff/student number in the top right hand side of the screen.
- Click on Email settings
- Select Press/Media
- Hover over Newsflo content created and a drop down menu will appear in the text on the right. Select Emails are never sent.
- Click the blue Save button at the bottom of the window.

If you do not wish to be included in the Newsflo service your profile can be added to an exclusion list. Please email to be added to this list.