You can also add achievements such as prizes and awards to your UWA Profile. Once you have added some content, a Prizes/Awards tab will appear in your profile:

Add your prizes and awards by following the instructions below:
- Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
- Click the green +Add content button.
- From the Choose submission page, select the most appropriate Prize or Award template from the list provided.
- Add your Prize details to the record, ensuring that all fields marked with a red asterisk are completed. Please use the Description field to record the details of a prize/award (for example specifics of or monetary value for an in-kind award)
- To add a link to a related content already in the Repository, select the type you wish to relate your content to under Relations, then begin typing the name of the content. Select the related content from the drop-down menu. Note: if you have just added the related content item, it may not yet be viewable when you search for it. In this instance, save the record and edit it once that content item becomes available.

- Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.