As a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Candidate,* you can activate and personalise a UWA Profile in our institutional UWA Research Repository. Your UWA profile is one of the top results when people search your name online.
Increasingly for HDR students, your future professional role as a researcher and evidence-based practitioner will depend on your engagement and networking with external partners and research end-users during your candidature. Research end-users and their associated workforces (both domestic and international) can include industry, government, non-government organisations (NGO’s) and not-for-profit (NFP) community organisations. Your UWA Profile provides you with an important way to share your researcher development and scholarly outputs with industry and external partners.
Activate your profile
HDR student profiles are hidden by default. To have your profile activated, complete the following steps:
- Set up and connect your ORCID iD. Your ORCID iD may have been pulled across from HDRHub, in which case you will still need to authorise it in the UWA Research Repository.
- Request that your profile be made public by emailing:
- Work through the 'Setting up your profile' steps in this guide to populate your profile
Trouble logging in?
If you are both a student and staff member, you will need to use your student credentials to access the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. See more login troubleshooting steps.
*This includes current PhD, Masters by Research students and Masters by Thesis and Coursework students where the research component is more than 66%. Profiles will be disabled once a student completes their course or leaves the University.