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UWA Profiles and Research Repository Support

Guidance for setting up your UWA Profile and adding publications to your profile and the Repository.

Adding datasets

UWA researchers can upload their research datasets to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository directly, making them publicly discoverable and reusable.

Information about uploading your research dataset

You must agree to the Terms of Agreement  which will appear as a pop-up when you create a new dataset record.

The Repository is a data sharing platform, not a storage solution for your data. For further information on data storage options, please visit the Research Data Management Toolkit. Maximum file size for individual files is 2GB. For larger files, contact Research Publication and Data Services via

The Repository accepts the upload of most common file formats including: presentations (such as PowerPoint and PDF), images (including JPG and PNG), video files, audio files, Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, Word documents, PDF files and code.

You will not be able to edit or delete your dataset once published unless there are minor spelling errors in the metadata description. However, you can edit a draft submission form at any time. New versions of your dataset can be uploaded as a separate dataset records which can then be linked to previous versions within the repository. Your metadata will also be harvested into Research Data Australia on a weekly basis.

As part of the workflow process a DOI will be minted for your dataset once you have submitted the dataset record for approval. Once you have a DOI assigned to your dataset record and the record is made public, you can no longer delete or edit the record. You can however create a new dataset record and describe it as a different version to the previous dataset. You can also link the two records within the dataset submission form. A DOI can be minted for your dataset for anonymous peer-review purposes without making the dataset publicly available by using the Dataset Peer-Review Status option in the dataset submission form.

Published items may be removed under specific circumstances, such as proven copyright violation or plagiarism, legal requirements and proven violations, national security and/or falsified research.


 Except for logos, Canva designs or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.