Below you'll find answers to common questions you may have about the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. Can't find your question on the list? Our staff are here to help you. Contact us for further advice or to book an appointment:
If your login isn't working, please try the following steps:
1. Clear the cache and cookies on your browser.
2. Check that you can log into other UWA systems like LMS and Outlook. If you are experiencing issues logging into other UWA systems, you may need to reset your Uni ID password. Please go to the Uni ID - UWA Access Management System.
3. For Office365 or Multi-factor authentication (MFA) help, please contact the IT Service Desk via Service Portal; email; or call +61 8 6488 1234.
4. In-person support is also available from the TechDesk (Mon-Fri, 9.00AM-4.00PM) on the ground floor of the Reid Library.
5. If you are still experiencing login issues please contact (for Staff) or (for HDR Students).
A number of fields within your profile in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository are automatically entered from the UWA HR system and Alesco.
These appear in your top level introduction on your public staff profile:
You can see which fields are synchronised with other systems when you are logged into your profile as they appear with a circular arrow beside the edit option within the field type:
In order to update any of these fields you will need to contact the appropriate area of the University, as detailed below.
HDR Students:
The previous UWA Contact Directory has been decommissioned, and the UWA Repository now draws data from UWA’s HR system, ESS.
If your contact details need updating, or are no longer showing correctly in your profile, you can update them in ESS.
If your personal mobile phone number is appearing in the Repository, you may have accidentally entered it into the wrong field in ESS. If so, delete the entry in ESS and re-enter your mobile number into the mobile phone field. This will remove it from appearing in the Repository.
Instructions to change your details in ESS can be found here. Note that changes can take up to 24 hours to appear in Outlook and Teams and 48 hours to appear in the External directory and the UWA Profiles and Research Repository.
If your email is not displaying in your UWA Repository profile, please ensure you have logged in and activated your Uni ID.
HDR student names and titles are synchronised from StudentConnect, and can only be changed by contacting Student Central.
HDR students can add an email, office address and work phone number to their UWA Repository profile by following these instructions:
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2.Once logged in, click Edit Profile.
3. In the popup window, scroll to Organisational affiliations, where it will say STUDENT and your degree name. Click the Edit beside your degree name.
4. Scroll down to the section titled Physical addresses click Add Address.
5. Type in the address details and click the blue Create to create the address.
6. Scroll to the Electronic addresses section and click on the Add buttons to add a work phone number or email address.
7. Enter the details and click Create.
8. Click the blue Update button at the bottom of the screen.
9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen for your changes to be saved to your profile.
A trusted user feature is available and allows users to nominate another UWA staff member to make changes to their profile. If you are interested in using this feature, please contact
If you notice a difference in the h-index between systems this is because although there is a large overlap in their coverage, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar have some variation in the journals they index.
If there is a discrepancy between the h-index on your Profile and your h-index on Scopus or Web of Science, it is likely that not all your publications have been added to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. Follow these instructions to add any missing publications. The UWA Profiles and Research Repository will then re-calculate your h-index. This will be updated on your profile after every weekend.
If you do not wish for your citation count and the h-index to be displayed on your profile, they can be switched off by following the FAQ below 'How do I switch off the display of metrics or the collaboration map on my profile?'.
Your collaboration map, citation count and h-index may be turned off if they are not appropriate for your profile using the instructions below.
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2. Click on Edit Profile
3. Select Portal profile from the menu on the left, then click the toggle switch under Collaboration Map to change its visibility. Under the Show metrics heading, untick the Citations and/ or H-index boxes..
4. Click Save at the bottom of the screen
Publications become visible in the Repository based on their audit status. All records default to private (non-public) when entered into the Repository. Once a Library staff member begins the audit process and changes the status to approved, the record will appear on your profile. This can take up to two weeks depending on how many records are waiting to be approved. If your publication is still not appearing on your profile after two weeks, please contact the Librarian Support Team:
• Staff:
• HDR students:
Yes. Your non-UWA affiliated publications should still be added to the UWA Profiles and Research Repository, as they may be eligible for the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) submission and for internal reporting. They will also appear on your profile in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. Please contact your Librarian Support Team if you require assistance:
If you are identified as an author of a newly added publication record, you will receive an email notifying you that you have been added as an author to that record. The email will be sent from (please do not reply to this email, as it is not monitored). See this example:
If the publication does not belong to you, follow these steps to disclaim it:
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2. From the landing page, select Research Outputs to open a list of your outputs and find the record that you would like to disclaim.
3. Hover your mouse over the record preview and click on the settings cog icon ⚙️ that will appear on the bottom right of the record.
4. A pop-up window will display asking if you would like to be removed from the publication record. Leave a message confirming that you are not the author of this publication. Then click Disclaim this content to finalise the changes.
If you believe your publication exists in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository, but it is not listed on your profile, you can search for it within the system and ‘claim’ the publication. Follow these steps:
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2. From the landing page, select Research Outputs to open a list of your outputs.
3. Remove the My content filter from clicking on the x symbol. This will allow you to see all publications in the Repository, not just your own publications.
4. Search for the missing publication on your profile by typing the publication title in the search bar. If searching by the full publication title does not display any results, try using several keywords from within the title to perform another search and check your spelling. If it does not appear, it is likely not in the Repository and you can one of the methods covered in the Adding Publications section of this guide.
5. Once you've found the record you want to claim, hover your mouse over the record and click on the settings cog icon ⚙️ that appears on the bottom right of the record.
6. Click Mine – claim content.
7. A pop-up window will display asking if you would like to be added to the content. Leave a message indicating that you are an author on this publication and click Claim this content.
The Library team will review your claim request and add you as an author to the publication record.
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2. From the landing page, select Research Outputs to open a list of your outputs and find the record that you would like to add FoR codes to.
3. Scroll down to the Fields of Research (FoR) section in the record.
4. Select Add 2020 Fields of research
5. Click on the + icon and search for the relevant code
6. Enter the appointionment and click Create. You can assign up to three FoR codes, as long as the apportionments add up to 100%.
7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the record
The Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) is the version of a publication that can typically be made Open Access by adding it to the author's instititutional repository. At UWA, this is the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. This process is also known as self-archiving.
Also known as the post-print, the AAM is:
It is NOT:
'Which version to upload' image courtesy of Digital Services, University of Cambridge used under CC BY-SA 4.0.
The image below compares a typical AAM with the published version of the same journal article:
Follow these steps to upload an AAM to a publication record. You can read more about author rights and sourcing your AAMs in the Library's Open Access Toolkit.
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2. From the landing page, select Research Outputs to open a list of your outputs and find the record that you would like to add an AAM to.
3. Scroll down to the sectionUpload a file, link or DOI and select Add Open Acces version here (file, DOI, or link)...
4. Select Upload an electronic version
5. Drag the AAM file from your saved location, or click browse your computer and locate the AAM from your saved location and double click on the file.
6. Once the file has uploaded, set the document version and in the Public access to file drop-down menu, select Unknown. Library staff will check copyright and Publisher conditions before making the file open access.
7. Click Create.
8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the record
Grants that are administered by UWA, and therefore recorded in ROAP (Research Online Application Portal), are pulled across automatically into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository, and will display on staff profiles under the Grants tab. Staff can now choose to enter externally funded grants into ROAP and these will be automatically pulled across into the Repository. This information cannot be edited and is updated from ROAP nightly. See the section 2 of the User Guide for Researchers, which can be found on the Service Directory page for ROAP, for further information on how to manually add grants in ROAP.
Grants which are NOT synchronised from ROAP, including student grants, can be described in the 'Funding overview' section found in the Overview tab of your public profile. See instructions for adding to your Overview tab here.
Data displayed in the Grants tab of your profile comes from ROAP (Research Online Application Portal). To amend information in ROAP you will need to contact the Office Of Research's Post-Award team:
If the information displayed in the 'Funding Overview' section of your personal profile is incorrect, see the instructions on how to edit your Overview tab here.
if you have used equipment from the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis (CMCA) in your research, you can now link your publications, research datasets, grants and CMCA equipment in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository. This will help enhance your Researcher Profile to potential collaborators. Follow the instructions below...
1. Log into the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with your UWA SSO credentials.
2.Once logged in, select the menu for the type of record (Research outputs or Datasets) you want to link the CMCA equipment to
3.Browse or search to locate the record you want to link the CMCA equipment to and then click on the title to open the record.
4.Scroll down to the bottom of the record and locate the Relations field, then select Faciities/Equipment and begin typing the name of the CMCA equipment or Facility. Once found, select it from the list.
6.Click Save at the bottom of the window.
Any requests to add new equipment records should be forwarded to:
Except for logos, Canva designs, AI generated images or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.