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EndNote referencing software: Step 1: Setup EndNote Software

Software that helps automate your referencing. In this guide find out about EndNote, download EndNote (UWA staff and students only) and complete our EndNote Learning Path

Step 1: Setup Endnote Software, Styles and Word Tab

In this Learning Path section (15 mins, included Endnote download): 


Troubleshooting Endnote Software setup

If you have trouble downloading Endnote or can't see the Endnote tab in your version of MS Word get in touch with us for help; either via our AskUWA contact email or Live Chat.   You can also book an online consult with a librarian via the Book A Librarian

Do you need to download a referencing style?

Referencing styles refer to the rules for how to write out references; what information to include and the order to write it in.

The Endnote software installation comes with a large number of pre-loaded referencing style files. The referencing style files pre-loaded into Endnote are what helps to automate the creation of individual references within Endnote and in MS Word. 

However, three of the referencing styles we use here at UWA are not pre-loaded and so if you are required to use these you will need to download and install them.  These are: 

Follow the links to these Referencing guides for information about how to download these referencing styles and get them into your Endnote.  

Does the EndNote tab appear in Word?

If you have successfully installed your Endnote desktop software, you will find that your version of MS Word now includes an EndNote tab. 

This is the main way in which you will later insert references into your documents as you work and toggle from MS Word to your Endnote Library. 

After you have successfully installed Endnote open a Word file and check for the Endnote tab.  Contact us to troubleshoot if it is not there. 

Endnote Tab in Word PC environment: 

Endnote in WordPC


Endnote Tab in Word Mac environment: 

Endnote in Mac Word

EndNote Terminology and Concepts

This video segment from "Endnote Essentials" will introduce you to some of the core "Endnote Concepts and Terminology" (1m54s) that we will be using throughout this learning path. 



EndNote concepts and terminology from EndNote Essential Training by David Rivers



► Your ready for Step 2 - Begin an Endnote Library


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