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EndNote referencing software: References in Word

Software that helps automate your referencing. In this guide find out about EndNote, download EndNote (UWA staff and students only) and complete our EndNote Learning Path

One of the main benefits of using EndNote is that it works together with Word to automate the process of creating in-text citations and reference list, formatted in your chosen referencing style.

Use this 'Cite While You Write' feature of EndNote in Word to: 

Insert in-text citations and create a reference list in Word
Insert single and multiple citations
Add page numbers for direct quotes and paraphrasing
Edit, correct and/or remove citations
Construct the references in your selected style and change to different  referencing styles
View this section How to insert a reference into a Microsoft word document in How to use EndNote in 7 minutes [Video 4m34s to 7m) for an overview of Cite While You Write.


Any computer that has EndNote installed should have resulted in the addition of an EndNote tab in Word.
 If NOT see Clarivate support to install CWYW tools and to troubleshoot CWYW issues How do I get Cite While You Write?

Once you have added your references into EndNote you are then ready to begin working with MS Word to automate the creation of your in-text citations and end-text reference list in your document. 

This feature is called Cite While You Write (CWYW)

The main areas of the EndNote tab in MS Word 2007 and later you will use to begin to CWYW are: 

  • Insert Citation –  to search for and find the citation you want to insert in EndNote
  • Go to EndNote – to toggle between Word and  your EndNote Library
  • Edit & Manage Citations- to edit citation details, remove citation or add pages etc
  • Update Citations and Bibliography- to generate the citations and bibliography in your chosen style

Note: The REFERENCES tab in Word 2007+ is not connected to the EndNote program. However, you will use the REFERENCING tab if you need to insert footnotes as part of the requirements of a footnotes style like Chicago or AGLC. See Footnotes in Word for further information. 

Note to Mac users: If CWYW is incompatible with Word see this FAQ 

When you begin to create your references in MS Word, start by selecting the correct referencing style.  This needs to be done separately to the selection of the style within EndNote. For a short introduction to what a style is and which one you should use, see Working with styles.


To select a style in Word

  1. Click on the EndNote menu tab in Word toolbar.
  2. Click on the Styles drop-down menu.
  3.  Select the desired style.
  4. Click Update Citations and Bibliography

 Your citations, footnotes and bibliography will now appear in this style. 

For specific information about the styles used at UWA see Reference Guides.

To select the style you want in EndNote

  1. Look at the bottom right hand side of the screen to see the style selector.
  2. In the case illustrated below APA 7th is the selected style
  3. Click on the drop down box to select another style 


EndNote should automatically load into your MS Word.  Before you can insert a citation into a Word document, you must have the document and the desired EndNote library open on your computer. You can then insert the citation from the Word or EndNote interfaces.

Insert a single citation

Stay in Microsoft Word while citing references from your EndNote library with Insert Citation.

Position your cursor within your body of text where you’d like to add a citation and then press the Insert Citation shortcut found on the EndNote 20 tab in Microsoft Word.

1. Search for a word, series of terms, or phrase you’d find within an EndNote library reference you’d like to cite.

2. Once you have selected your references, click on the Insert button.

3. The selected references will be inserted into your Word document and displayed as defined by the current Output Style.

It can be useful to display a citation as part of your narrative. Assume that you are adding a citation but that you wish to have the author’s name outside of the brackets as you introduce the paraphrasing of ideas from that author.
eg. Fender and Crowley (2007) reported that..

1. Position your cursor where required and click on INSERT CITATION and then INSERT CITATION again.


3. Type in a search term (eg an author’s name or date).  Highlight the required citation and click on the pull down menu of the Insert button.

4. Select the INSERT & DISPLAY AS AUTHOR (YEAR)  option.


Note: If You want to insert references by choosing them in your EndNote library first? Try out Insert Selected Citation(s).

 To cite multiple references in your word document  

Position your cursor within your body of text where you’d like to add a citation and then press the Insert Citation shortcut found on the EndNote 20 tab in Microsoft Word.


In your EndNote Library click on the reference that you want to cite to highlight it.

To highlight multiple references, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on references.

Click to Insert multiple references at the same point in your word document.


Edit & Manage Citations within MS Word

One of the biggest mistakes EndNote users make is to edit citations manually in MS Word. This risks corrupting your Word document.

In each citation you enter from your EndNote Library there are formatting codes that you cannot see, therefore it is very important to edit it with EndNote operations. Attempts to edit or delete a citation in Word using the Backspace or Delete key will disrupt the formatting and you may lose all your corrections the next time you reformat the document!

The Edit & Manage citations button in Word is used to modify, add or delete formatted citations. Use Edit & Manage citations to edit any citations or references linked to your EndNote Library. 

In your document select the citation you want to change by placing the cursor anywhere within it (it will appear greyed out).

  • Select the EndNote 20 tab from the toolbar ribbon. 
  • Select the Edit & Manage Citation(s) button and make the necessary changes. 
  • Save the changes and the citation will be updated.

There are a number of options for editing citations
  • To add text to the beginning of a citation (e.g. See also) use the Prefix: box
  • To add text to the end of a citation (e.g. to add a note, such as “emphasis added”), use the Suffix: box
  • To add page numbers, see the Pages tab

There is also a Formatting drop-down, which allows you to set the Default format (Author, Year), reformat as Author (Year)Exclude author,  Exclude year, or Show Only in Bibliography

The Edit & Manage Citations dialog box

Click OK to make the changes.

Watch this video for information about editing & managing citations


Editing the reference in your EndNote library

If you find that a reference is not inputting correctly you must first edit it in your EndNote library and then click Update Citations and Bibliography (in the EndNote toolbar in Word) to correct the reference.

If you add items to your EndNote library by uploading them from a database, they should have all the pieces of information needed to create a correct citation and reference.

If you need to manually create records in EndNote, you will need to choose what sort of item you are using so that EndNote will give you the correct fields to fill in. They need to be entered into the correct Reference Type in EndNote in order to output correctly.

To edit the EndNote record itself directly in your EndNote library:

  1. Double-click on the reference you want to alter 
  2. Select Edit from top right hand side of screen and make changes
  3. When you have finished, click on the Save button.

Some common editing requirements: 

  • Adding in the URL or DOI details into the correct field
  • Adding in corporate authors with a comma at the end to make sure the full corporate author name is presented, For example, the author field in EndNote for the Healthcare Commission should read "Healthcare Commission,".

If you quote directly from a source you may need to add a page number to your in-text citation.

1. To add page numbers to a citation click in your document on the citation you want to edit – it will become highlighted in grey.

2. Choose Edit & Manage Citation(s) from the EndNote toolbar.

3. In the Pages box add the page number(s) of the citation

4. The page number will then appear at the appropriate point in your reference for your chosen referencing style.


Note:  Follow the referencing style requirements for formatting the page number

For Vancouver style (based on Citing Medicine)

If you're using Vancouver style, instead of using the Pages field, use the Suffix field. In the Suffix box add the page numbers in the format required for the Vancouver (based on Citing Medicine) style e.g. (p21 or pp3-5. There are no spaces and it will appear as required by the style).

The page number will be added to your citation:


How to create a numbered citation in Word (for Footnote Styles such as Chicago and AGLC)

If you are using a referencing style with Footnotes, such as Chicago, you will need to use the "Insert Footnote" feature within the 'Reference' tab in MS Word. If you are using EndNote referencing software you can work between the 'Reference' tab and the the 'EndNote' tab in MS word to automate the creation of your superscript numbering, footnotes and reference listing.

Manual formatting of footnotes 

Place your cursor at the citation insertion point. On the ribbon in Word, select the ‘References’ tab and then the ‘Insert Footnote’ button:

This will create a superscript number at the point of insertion and a dividing line as well as a superscript number at the bottom of the page.

To create the citation, place your cursor right from the number at the bottom of the page and manually enter the necessary details as per your styles formatting requirements.

Remember you will still need to create your Reference list at the end of your assignment as per your styles formatting.

Automated formatting of footnotes and reference lists with EndNote.

If using EndNote, once you have inserted the footnote number from the references tab, toggle to the EndNote Tab on the ribbon in Word, and select ‘insert citation’. The full footnote and a reference list entry will be created for you.

NB:  Ensure the correct footnote style is selected in both Word and EndNote.

Sharing your MS Word document

It is not necessary for the reader of your Word document to have EndNote to view your references. 

This is because EndNote creates a traveling library when it works in conjunction with Word to embed reference data, so they do not need to have EndNote installed on their computer.

However, if you need your supervisors or collaborators to be able to edit references, you will need to share your library or references group using one of the methods described above.

Documents can also be saved as Plain Text which show the citations and reference list, but the connection to EndNote is removed.


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