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Referencing style - Chicago: Newspapers

A guide to using the Chicago 17th referencing style for footnotes and reference lists.



Material type Note (footnote) example

Subsequent note entry

(see CMOS 14:30)

Bibliography example

News article 


    2. John Miles, “Crime Rate on the Rise in the Suburbs,” West Australian, September 23, 2016.


    4. Miles, "Crime Rate". Miles, John, “Crime Rate on the Rise in the Suburbs,” West Australian, September 23, 2016.

News article

(online or from a database)

    1. Troy Bramston, "Oldest ANZAC Cove Memorial Returns," The Australian, September 10, 2014,!?&_suid=150908938792205600957033914544.     3. Bramston, "Memorial Returns".    Bramston, Troy. "Oldest ANZAC Cove Memorial Returns." The Australian, September 10, 2014.!?&_suid=150908938792205600957033914544.

Creating Notes (Footnotes) using Microsoft Word

By default, Microsoft Word will format footnotes at the end of the page with a superscript number and no indent.  

For the Chicago Notes and Bibliography style, you will need to manually change the font size of footnote number and indent it.

See our instructions on how to create a Note (footnote) in Word and manually edit the format according to the Chicago Notes and Bibliography style.

Please check with your Unit Coordinator to see if their preference is to use the formal Chicago style footnote formatting or the default Word format.


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