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Referencing style - MLA: Web sources

A guide to using the MLA referencing system for in-text citations and reference lists.

Web sources

Material type In-Text Example Works Cited Example
Webpage: No Author

(Romance Languages)

[Use first few words of the page title]

"Romance Languages and Literatures Resources Page". University of Chicago, Accessed 6 July 2015.

(You can omit the http:// or https:// protocol from regular URLs, but need to include https:// with DOIs. See MLA Handbook Section 5.96.)

(An access date for an online source should be added if the work doesn not provide a publication date or if you think the work has been altered or removed.  See the MLA Handbook, section 5.111.)

Website (Felluga)

Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Purdue University, 28 Nov. 2003,

(Abbreviate names of the month that are longer than four letters.  See the MLA Handbook, Appendix 1 Abbreviations: Months.)

Blog Posting / Discussion Group (SalmarISIS)

SalmarISIS [Sal Hernandez]. "Re. Best Strategy: Fenced Pastures vs. Max. Number of Rooms?" BoardGameGeek, 29 Sep. 2008,

Web Based Image / table / figure (Klee)

Klee, Paul. Twittering Machine. 1922, Oil, watercolour and ink on paper, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Museum of Modern Art, Accessed 1 July 2009.



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