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Referencing style - MLA: Journal articles

A guide to using the MLA referencing system for in-text citations and reference lists.

Journal articles


Material type In-Text Example Works Cited Example
Journal Article: Print (Piper 126) Piper, Andrew. "Rethinking the Print Object: Goethe and the Book of Everything." PMLA, vol. 121, no. 1, 2006, pp. 124-38.
Journal Article from a Database: No DOI (Goldman 81)

Goldman, Anne. "Questions of Transport: Reading Primo Levi Reading Dante." The Georgia Review, vol. 64, no. 1, 2010, pp. 69-88. JSTOR,

(See MLA Handbook, Figure 5.95.)

Journal Article from a Database: With  DOI (Case  645)

Case, Sue-Ellen."Eve's Apple, or Women's Narrative Bytes."  MFS Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 43, no. 3, 1997, pp. 631-50. Project Muse,

("If the  DOI is not preceded by http:// or https:// in your source, precede the DOI in your entry with" See the MLA Handbook, section 5.93.)

Journal Article: Online


(Phillips, et al. 2340)

Phillips, Richard, et al. “Curiosity, place and wellbeing: encouraging place-specific curiosity as a 'way to wellbeing.” Environment and Planning. A, vol. 47, no. 11, 2015, pp. 2339-54,

Journal Article: Article title that includes a book title (Adams 58)

Adams, Amanda. “‘Painfully Southern’: Gone with the Wind, the Agrarians, and the Battle for the New South.” Southern Literary Journal, vol. 40, no. 1, fall 2007, pp. 58-75. Project Muse,

(Set a book title in italics if recorded in an article title. For more information about other types of titles within titles, see MLA Handbook sections 2.111.-2.117.) Note also, the season in a publication issue is in lower case. 

A note on sources with multiple authors


See the 'Books and Book Chapters' page in this guide for examples of citing sources with two authors and three or more authors.  



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