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An Introduction to Referencing at UWA: Referencing

A beginners guide to why we reference, managing references, choosing the right style and getting help.

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What is referencing?

Referencing shows where you have used ideas or information created by another person in your work.

In your assignments, every time you mention information you found, place an In-Text citation in that sentence. This is a very short form of the reference that lets a reader look it up in the Reference List.

APA Style (an "Author-Date" style) Vancouver Style (based on Citing Medicine) (a "Numbered" style)
Self-testing while studying generally improves learning (Karpicke, 2009). Self-testing while studying generally improves learning. (1)

The Reference List goes at the end of the assignment. It contains the full details of the sources you got information from. Every in-text citation must have a matching entry in the reference list.

APA Style Vancouver Style (based on Citing Medicine)

Karpicke, J.D. (2009). Metacognitive control and strategy selection: Deciding to practice retrieval during learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138(4), 469-486.

1. Karpicke JD. Metacognitive control and strategy selection: Deciding to practice retrieval during learning. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2009;138(4):469-486.

How do you reference?

Follow these basic steps to ensure you are referencing correctly.     



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