One way to find legislation from jurisdictions other than Australia is to browse for legislation databases in OneSearch.
Westlaw contains consolidated legislation for the US and UK.
Lexis+ contains consolidated legislation for the US, UK, Canada, EU and some Commonwealth countries including the Statutes of South Africa, Malaysia, Scotland and the Laws of Hong Kong.
WorldLII includes legislation from a variety of jurisdictions. Under Catalog > All Categories > Legislation
Halsbury’s Statutes comprises the Statute law of England and Wales from the earliest times to the present day. The fourth edition of Halsbury’s Statutes, which was published in 50 volumes between 1985 and 1992, provides the user with an up-to-date version of the amended text of every Public General Act and Church of England Measure currently in force, and also of a number of private and local Acts. The main work is supplemented by an annual hardbound supplement and periodic loose-leaf updates. Individual volumes are reissued when there has been a significant impact on the subject matter concerned through changes in legislation.
Halsbury's Statutes has a number of different parts.
The Statutes are grouped under an alphabetical title scheme covering the main areas of legal practice. Each Act is fully annotated to provide precise information relating to:
This article provides information on old UK Legislation. It details how you can find the best version of an old UK Act.
EUR-Lex is a multilingual database created by the EU institutions. It contains case law, legislation, bills and a vast array of other information.
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