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Referencing style - Vancouver (based on Citing Medicine): Tables/figures/images

A guide to using the Vancouver citation style for in text citations and reference lists.

In the AMA Manual of Style guide to medical and scientific writing, tables present numerical data in rows and columns, while figures encompass any other visual elements such as graphs, photographs, charts, maps, or images. For quantitative information, a table can be used to display exact values whereas a figure can be used to illustrate patterns or trends. When used properly tables and figures can emphasize important information and highlight key points in your text.

Remember to reference any tables, figures, or images that you refer to, copy or adapt into your work that have been obtained from another source. The reference should appear in your reference list and have a number assigned to it as for any other reference. 

For more advice on how to label, format and acknowledge any tables/figures/images copied or adapted into your work see Chapter 4 of the AMA Manual of style. 


Table layout

•    Tables should be set off from the text by a horizontal line    
•    The word “Table” and the table number are part of the title. 
•    The title should be in headline style capitalisation (where each significant word is capitalised) and not in bold.
      Give each table a brief, specific, descriptive title that conveys the topic of the table succinctly but don’t provide detailed background  information or summarize or interpret the results. You may include brief descriptive footnotes underneath the table. See Rule 4.1-1 
•    Tables are numbered consecutively as referred to in the text. The first table that you mention is titled Table 1.
•    In your paper you can refer to the specific table you are describing by the title such as "As described in Table 1 ...."
•    Acknowledge that data in the table is taken from another source, as you would in the text. In the table below see in-text citation (3)



Table 1. Hematomas Partial Resolution Over Time

              Data adapted from treatment of large hematomas at the outset partially resolving after 15 months treatment.(3) 



Figure layout


Figure 2. Four Stages of Mitosis

FR Lashley's image of two autosomal chromosome pairs.(4)




Your reference will begin with the standard reference to the source of the table/figure/image whether it is from a book, online journal or conference paper - e.g. if you obtained it from a website you need to reference that website - with information specifically pertaining to the image placed at the end of the reference.

Refer to the examples below.


  How to reference tables and figures

Material Type Reference List Example (based on Citing Medicine 2nd edition)

EndNote (Citing Medicine)

The following instructions are based on using the Citing Medicine 2 (UWA)  style with EndNote 21

From journal article [print]

Krishnamurthi V, Streem SB. Long-term radiographic and functional outcome of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy induced perirenal hematomas. J Urol. 1995;154(5):1673-5. [Table 1], Radiographic and functional outcome of ESWL related perirenal hematomas; p. 1674.

Reference Type - Journal Article 

Enter details as per print article reference.

Pages field:  insert a full stop after the page numbers and then add the details of the table/figure/image/ appendix. e.g. 1673-5 [Table (Number)], Radiographic and functional outcome of ESWL related perirenal hematomas; p. 1674.

From authored book [print] Lashley FR. Clinical genetics in nursing practice. 3rd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; c2005. Figure 2, Meiosis with two autosomal chromosome pairs; p. 27-8.

Reference Type - Book

Enter details as per book reference.

 Year field:  insert a full stop and space after the year followed by the table/figure/image/appendix details as shown. e.g. c2005. Figure 2., Meiosis with two autosomal chromosome pairs; p. 27-8.


Further examples with tips if using EndNote

From journal article[online]

Happell B. The Influence of education on the career preferences of undergraduate nursing students. Aust Electron J Nurs Educ [Internet]. 2002 Apr;8(1):[about 12 p.]. Table 2, The relative popularity of nursing career choices (Post-test); [cited 2007 Jan 8]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

Reference Type: Electronic Article

Enter details as per electronic article reference 

After pages - Insert Table (number), and details formatted as per example

From journal[online]

Burke KJ, Paton D. Well-being in protective services personnel: organisational influences. Australas J Disaster Trauma Stud [Internet]. 2006;2006(2):[about 17 p.]. Figure 3, The overall structural model, showing the relative strength of each pathway examined; [cited 2007 Jan 8]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

Reference Type: Electronic Article

Enter details as per electronic article reference 

After Year:[about 17 p.]. Insert Figure (number), and details formatted as per example

From web page NIAAA: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): The Institute; 2004 Jun 10 [modified 2007 Feb 28]. [Table], Percent who drink beverage alcohol, by gender, 1939-2003; [updated 2004 Mar; cited 2007 Mar 28]; [about 2 screens]. Available from:

Reference Type: Web page

Enter details so they display correctly

After [modified date]. Add the following details ...[Table], Percent who drink beverage alcohol, by gender, 1939-2003; [updated 2004 Mar; cited 2007 Mar 28]; [about 2 screens]. Available from:

More examples

Examples of citations to parts of Journal Articles

Examples of citations to journal articles on the internet - see 43. Part of a journal article on the Internet

Examples of citations to parts of Books

Examples of citations to parts of Books on the Internet

Examples of citations to parts of Web Sites



 Except for logos, Canva designs, AI generated images or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.