Qualtrics is an online tool for creating and distributing surveys which provides the ability to collect and analyse survey data for research purposes.
UWA subscribes to the Qualtrics CoreXM product. Read more about CoreXM on the Qualtrics website.
Researchers in the medical fields may also be interested in considering the use of Redcap for their surveys.
Login to Qualtrics with your UWA SSO credentials at https://uwa.qualtrics.com
Academic staff and students are eligible to use the UWA Qualtrics subscription.
Terms of Service can be accessed at https://www.qualtrics.com/terms-of-service/
Qualtrics can be used for internal UWA research purposes, it cannot be used for personal or commercial reasons.
Banner images source: Pixabay 1, 2, 4, 5 licensed under the Pixabay Licence. Qualtrics logo (3) registered trademark of Qualtrics.
Except for logos, Canva designs, AI generated images or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.