Geoscience AustraliaGeoscience Australia provides Earth observation services, expert advice, and information for decision makers. They are Australia's principal earth resource satellite ground station and data processing facility. |
National Library of Australia Map CollectionIncludes over 600,000 maps, from early European charts to current mapping of Australia, in print and digital form. All online maps are now freely available for download, in high resolution. Map SearchMap Search is the National Library’s latest user interface and has been launched in beta form, using the collections held by the Library. It allows the user to layer historical street, topographic, road and other maps over modern base maps, with the capability to view and document map features. Map Search can be used to track change over time. Map Search includes thousands of Australian topographic maps, tourist maps, cadastral or parish maps - showing property boundaries and administrative areas, planning and geological maps. Check out this map of Canberra over the years by moving the opacity slide in the top right corner |
Historic WA Aerial PhotograhpsLandgate provides historic aerial photography of Perth and other WA regions, dating back to the 1940s, viewable online. ** Using the Map Viewer, zoom in on Perth, then use the mosaic selection button to choose the photos from the dates wanted.Note! Requires JavaScript to be installed on your browser. |
WA Planning Commission MapsLatest region scheme maps at various scales are available as downloadable pdf files. Access to PlanWA a public mapping tool that provides access to planning, land and heritage data is also available. |
WA State Records Office Maps OnlineCollection of scanned maps comprised of historic town planning maps from the State Records Office, dating back to the earliest European settlement of WA. |
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)One of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Focusing on human interactions in the environment, SEDAC has as its mission to develop and operate applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and earth science data and to serve as an "Information Gateway" between earth sciences and social sciences. |
Perry-Castañeda Library Map CollectionExtensive online map page, with a large collection of scanned, public domain maps, along with links to other mapping sites. |
Geographic Information Systems (GIS): General Data by country (non-US)Extensive list of GIS data sources by country prepared by the MIT Libraries. |
CIA World Factbook MapsThe CIA world factbook has a large amount of worldwide geographic information, including maps. |
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Free GIS DataHas links to everything from arctic permafrost maps to gridded population data - simply scroll through the list, or use the dropdown menus to jump to a specific section of interest. The data may be inaccurate, incomplete, or just plain wrong. Critically examine the data you are using, look at what organisation produced it and what agenda they may have, and beware that there are disputes over some of the data (particularly country boundaries). |
General Bathymetric Chart of the OceansThe General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) is an international group of experts in ocean mapping. They develop and make available a range of bathymetric data sets and data products. |
Natural EarthNatural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software. |
GIS is a website about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geography. It contains links to a wide range of GIS and imagery data sources, as well as information about GIS software. |
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ArcGIS Data and Maps (formerly Esri Data & Maps)Provides access to the data layers of ArcGIS Data and Maps that you can open or download for use with your ArcGIS software. Data and Maps is a collection of data layers, including a variety of basemap and thematic layers for the United States, Europe, and the world. |
Google - My MapsCreate custom maps to share and publish online with Google My Maps. You can make maps that show different kinds of information.
With My Maps, you can:
Australian Mines AtlasThe Atlas aims to provide an authoritative understanding of Australia's known mineral and energy (solid fuel) assets, mines and production/processing centres (existing and planned); Present factual data that can assist with planning, decision making, investment, education and management of the environment; Complement other national data sets dealing with land use, population, soils, agriculture, climate, water and vegetation; Show where, and how, the mining industry is placed to continue its contribution to regional development in Australia and sustain its role as a major exporter of mineral commodities. |
Interactive Geology Map of WAGeoVIEW.WA is an online GIS-based mapping tool that allows users to view, query, and map various geology, resources and related datasets. These integrated statewide data are regularly updated. Users can construct and print a customised geological map (by chosen area and scale) and incorporate other mineral and petroleum exploration datasets including mines and mineral deposits, petroleum wells, and active leases. |
ANZLICThe Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) provides a common reference for the assembly and maintenance of Australian and New Zealand foundation level spatial data in order to serve the widest possible variety of users. It will deliver a national coverage of the best available, most current, authoritative source of foundation spatial data which is standardised and quality controlled. The FSDF is an ANZLIC sponsored initiative. |
Geoscience AustraliaGeoscience Australia carries out geoscientific research. It is the government’s technical adviser on all aspects of geoscience, and custodian of national geographic and geological data and knowledge. It produces geospatial products such as topographic maps and satellite imagery and is a major contributor to the Australian Government's free, open data collections such as |
LandgateThe Western Australian Land Information Authority is a statutory authority that operates under the business name of Landgate. It is managed by a board which is accountable to the Minister for Lands and is recognised as a leader in the management and use of location information and technology. Landgate maintains several websites including the Shared Location Information Platform (SLIP) and Locate, developed together with the Western Australian Land Information Systems (WALIS). |
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Geoscape Australia (formerly PSMA Australia)Geoscape Australia is a provider of national location data, backed by the governments of Australia. Delivering spatial data to enable economic, social and environmental outcomes across the economy. It describes the addresses, land, buildings and transport networks across Australia. |
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