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UWA Collected: Saving and sharing

A central place to experience UWA's digital collections and archives...




Saving and sharing items

...Use 'My collections'

...Share items





Use 'My collections'

You can bookmark items using the star icon in the vertical toolbar in item view. This will save the items to ‘My Collection’. You’ll get a confirmation message every time you bookmark an item to your collection. To revisit and organise these bookmarked items click ‘My Collection’ in the Navigation Panel.

Under ‘Organise’ in ‘My Collection’, you can create and manage groups of items in smaller customised collections. To add an Item to an existing collection, click on the name of the collection under ‘Organise’ and drag and drop items from the ‘All Items’ area (this is not mobile compatible function). Once a collection is created it can be shared via email or social media (click the icon), renamed (click the icon) and deleted (click the  icon).

To remove an individual Item from one of your customised collections hover over the item thumbnail and click the red ‘x’ that appears in the bottom right hand corner. The item will be deleted from the custom collection but will remain in your main collection on the left.

To remove an Item from your main collection, click the red ‘x’ that appears in the bottom right hand corner of the thumbnail in the ‘All Items in my collection’ window. It will be entirely removed from this area of your profile.


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Share items

UWA Collected is designed to be compatible with sharing content and searches with other people. Links shared from UWA Collected will only be visible to those with access to the shared items or pages.

If you’re not already logged in, clicking a shared link will first take you to the login screen.

To share an item, you can either use the icons at the bottom of the left panel in item view to share an item to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, or open the link in a blank email and send on. You can also copy the URL of an item, a page, or search results and paste it into an email.


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