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Mendeley referencing software: Journal Title Abbreviations - Mendeley Desktop

Software that helps with referencing. In this guide learn about Mendeley and download Mendeley.

Journal Title Abbreviation Lists

Journal title abbreviation lists are used to maintain the consistency and accuracy of  journal titles in a Mendeley library.   Abbreviated titles are often  required for styles such as Vancouver.

Rockwood K, Graham JE, Fay S. Goal setting and attainment in Alzheimer's disease patients treated with donepezil. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2009 Mar 7];73(5):500-7. Available from: Journals@Ovid full text.   

The full title is Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry


For styles requiring journal titles to be abbreviated (eg. Vancouver and IEEE), you can import an abbreviation list file into your Mendeley Desktop library that will match full journal titles to their abbreviations.

Mendeley contains a default which contains standard journal title abbreviations.  Additional lists can be be added to Mendeley when required. Another source of journal title abbreviations are databases which include standard journal title abbreviations in their citations.

Note: The list that Mendeley provides for medical title abbreviations does not meet the needs of UWA staff and students.  The University of Queensland has amended the medical terms list file and their version should be used in preference to that supplied with Mendeley.

Click on the links below and then choose "save as" to save the files on your computer as .txt. files. Please see further instructions below for adding the abbreviation lists to your Mendeley library. Please note this feature is not yet available in the new Mendeley Reference Manager app. If you need assistance with this please contact a Librarian.

Mendeley abbreviation files must be text files in the format:

journal name <tab character> abbreviation

with each journal title on a new line

Adding Journal Abbreviations to Mendeley Desktop

The first step to using journal abbreviations in Mendeley Desktop is to save the list of abbreviations in a folder Mendeley can locate.
1. Download one of the lists above or a list from another source

2. Copy the list into the folder

Windows PC         C:\Program Files\Mendeley Desktop\publicationAbbreviations

Mac                           Applications/Mendeley Desktop/Contents/Resources/publicationAbbreviations

3. The new abbreviation list will appear when you next open Mendeley Desktop

Selecting Journal Abbreviations in Mendeley Desktop

The second step to using journal title abbreviations in Mendeley Desktop is to direct Mendeley to use one of the lists saved in the folder on your computer.

Selecting a Journal Title Abbreviations List
1. Click on View>Citation Style>Journal Abbreviations....

 Mendeley Open Journal Abbreviations List

2. Select the required abbreviation list from the pull down list.

Mendeley Select Abbreviation List



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