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Unit Readings Support

Unit Readings is UWA's system for sharing reading lists with students

Adding notes to readings

Unit Readings includes Public and Private notes options which allow you to add additional information to any item. You can use the Public note function to draw your student's attention to a particular section of a selected reading. The Private note option will only be visible to the person who adds the note, and is primarily intended for students to make notes to themselves to support their study.

To add a note:

  1. Click on the reading title to expand more information.
  2. Click in the 'Note for students' section and type in the note. 

Screenshot book in Unit Readings. Note for students section under book's details

In your students' view of the list, the note will appear underneath the details of the reading.

Screenshot Unit Readings note highlighted under book details

View student usage data

Unit Readings shows you an overview of the total number of students "active" in your reading list as well as data for each Section and reading in your list.

To view student usage statistics, ensure your reading list has been Sent to the Library, and the link to Unit Readings is active in your LMS unit, to allow students to access the list.

  1. Open your list in Unit Readings.
  2. On the right hand side, click on the graph symbol (Analytics). This opens a window displaying overall list usage, and 'Item usage'
  3. In 'Item usage', select a list section and reading to see how many times students have clicked on a specific reading in your list. 

Screenshot Unit Readings Analytics. Item usage. 'Students who viewed full text' shows 216

Using Library Discussion

Optionally, use the Library Discussion on the right hand side of Unit Readings to ask questions of Library staff about your reading list materials.

Click on the speech bubble icon ('Discuss with Library') to type and Send a message.

Screenshot chat bubble button: Discuss with Library

Screenshot Library Discussion. Type message at the bottom of the screen, Send button

When a Library staff member replies to your comment, you will receive an email notifying you there is a new Library Discussion message in Unit Readings. Please note that Library Discussion is not a live chat, and Library staff will respond in 2-3 business days.

Unit Coordinators are always welcome to contact the Library by phone or email for questions about, and assistance with, Unit Readings.

Cite It

Unit Readings provides the Cite It! bookmarklet. Once added to your internet browser bookmarks, Cite It allows you to easily save websites and online open textbooks into your reading lists.

To install Cite it! :

  1. Click on the Settings cog symbol at the top right of Unit Readings.
  2. Then click Cite It in the menu.
  3. This opens a small pop up with instructions to install Cite It by dragging the Cite It button from the pop up to your browser's Bookmarks.

Drag CiteIt button from Unit Readings up to Bookmarks Toolbar


To add a website or open textbook to your reading list with Cite It:

  1. Open the webpage you would like to add
  2. Click on the Cite it! button added to your browser bookmarks bar. This will open an 'Add this to my list' pop up box. 

Screenshot popup box Add this to my list. Details of journal article. Add to List option selected. Section "Week 5" selected. Add button at bottom right of popup

  1. Read over the information about the website to check it is correct, and edit if required.
  2. Select the List and the Section within the List to add the item to
  3. Click Add

The details of the reading can also be further edited once added to the Unit Readings.

Note: Cite It! does not work for PDF download pages. Cite It! only works for web pages with links to the PDF documents on the page


 Except for logos, Canva designs or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.