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Unit Readings Support

Unit Readings is UWA's system for sharing reading lists with students

Find the reading list for your unit

Log In to Unit Readings.

The 'Lists' page shows lists you have access to. Search by list title or Unit code.

Screenshot of Unit Readings My Lists page. Search bar across top. List titles and unit codes

If you were not the Unit Coordinator last time the unit ran, contact a Librarian for access to any existing or past lists for your unit. UWA staff can contact Librarians for support at

Create a reading list

Prior to each Semester*, Library staff "roll over" (copy) past reading lists to create new, draft lists ready for the upcoming semester.

This saves Unit Coordinators time, as often many of the readings used in the previous semester or year can be used again in the current semester.

To use a rolled-over reading list, simply

  1. Log in to Unit Readings or click the Unit Readings link in your LMS unit
  2. Review the readings to ensure they are still current
  3. Click 'Send List to Library'

Library staff will process the reading list, including making it visible to students and moving tagged items to High Demand.

If you are ready to work on your readings for an upcoming unit, but don't have access to a rolled-over list, please contact the Library at and we can assist.

*and at a few additional points throughout the year for non-standard teaching periods

To create a brand new, blank reading list:

  1. Log in to Unit Readings with your UWA SSO details.
  2. Click the Create List button.

 Screenshot Unit Readings, My Lists screen. Top left has 'Create List' button under the search bar

  1. Name your list with the Unit code and unit name.
  2. In 'Link to Unit', start typing a unit code to see a list of unit options. Select a unit, ensuing to choose the correct Teaching Period and Year. This links your reading list to the LMS, allowing students to access the list.
  3. In 'Organise List by', select a layout for the list, such as the Weeks option with a Section for each teaching week. Once the list is created you can continue to create and customise Sections in your list to organise your readings to suit your teaching (See the information on Sections).
  4. Click Create List

Screencapture demo create new list with Sections for Essential and Recomended tetxbooks

You can now add items into sections within the reading list and Send the list to the Library for processing.

Please note, there may be an existing list for your unit. If the readings you would like to use are similar to when the unit has run previously, save time by reusing the existing list. Contact UWA Librarians request access to any existing lists.

Usually a reading list will exist for your unit. The Library "rolls over" lists from previous teaching periods to create new, draft lists for upcoming units. If you can't see your list under 'My Lists' when you log in to Unit Readings, please contact UWA Librarians to be given access.

If you would like to copy and reuse a specific list for an upcoming unit;

  1. Log in to Unit Readings with your UWA SSO details.
  2. Locate the list in the Lists page, or open the reading list
  3. Click on Reading List Menu (The ... menu to the right of the name of the reading list)
  4. In the menu options, click Duplicate List. The Create new list screen will open. Screenshot reading list. List menu open, second option Duplicate List
  5. Edit the title of the list if required
  6. Click in Link to Unit. Search for your unit by unit code. Ensure to select the correct year and teaching period.
  7. Click Create list
  8. Edit items in the reading list as required
  9. Send the list to the Library

Organise my reading list into sections

Unit Readings allows you to organise your reading lists into sections to suit your unit. For example, organising your readings by week, by reading type (essential, recommended, etc.) or by topic, can make it easier for your students to find the readings they need.

In existing lists, you can create new sections and then move existing readings into the appropriate locations with ease. 

To create a new section, click + Add, then New Section

Screenshot Unit Readings Add menu. Second last option, New Section, highlighted


If you are creating a new, blank list you will see a few template options including a Weekly layout :
Screenshot Unit Readings Create New List screen. Under 'Create Sections' heading, option "Weeks" is selected in drop-down menu


Sections can be renamed or deleted using the Section Menu ('...' symbol) at the top right of the section.

To move whole sections, changing their order in the reading list:

  1. Click on 'Collapse sections' to close sections so that only section names display Screenshot menu options in Unit Readings. After +Add button, 'Collapse sections' button highlighted
  2. Hover the mouse over the left hand side of the section and the option to 'Drag' the section will appear. Screenshot Unit Readings. New 'Drag' icon on left side of section title
  3. Click and hold down the left mouse button, and move the mouse up or down to move the section.
  4. Release the mouse button in the location where you would like the section to move to.
  5. Once completed, you may like to click 'Expand Sections' to view the readings within sections again.

The same 'Drag and drop' process can be used to move around individual readings within or between sections.


See how to move an item from one section to another

Divide list into subsections

It's ideal to organise a reading list into sections for teaching weeks or topics to improve students' experience locating the readings they need.

There are two options to further visually divide up readings within list sections.

The list can be visually divided by indenting sections so they appear to be a subcategory of the section heading above. To indent a list section:

  1. Clicking on the Section menu ('...') on the right-hand side of the Section.
  2. Select 'Indent Section'


Screenshot Unit Readings. Section menu. Third option Indent Section

Indented sections then appear to be subsections of the section above.

Screenshot Unit Readings. Week 1 Essential Readings section, then Week 1 Recommended Readings section. Recommended section is indented

Alternatively, adding "Notes" between readings in a section can enhance readability and visually break up the readings while keeping them within the same list section.

To add a Note:

  1. Click the +Add button
  2. Select New note 
    Screenshot Unit Readings Add menu. Last option, New Note, highlighted
  3. Type in a title for the Note, choose which section to add it to from the drop-down menu and click Create
  4. Drag the note within the section to position it above the relevant readings.


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