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Open Access Toolkit

UWA Open Access publishing agreements, memberships and discounts

The University Library has a range of agreements, memberships and discounts in place and is actively pursuing opportunities to fund open access initiatives, including: 

Remember, open access through publishers is only one of the pathways to Open Access research outputs. Read more about Repository-based open access and licensing to enable the open accessibility of your work.

How to take advantage of the agreements

UWA has a range of agreements available to UWA authors in 2024 which are listed below. Here's how to take advantage of these agreements:

  1. Agreement types and conditions:
    There are different types of agreements that entitle you to different benefits and each agreement has different conditions. Find the relevant publisher below and follow the links for full information and conditions of the agreement.
  2. Affiliation: 
    When submitting your article:
    1. use your UWA email address (ending in "", "" or ""), and
    2. specify your University of Western Australia affiliation (byline). This also ensures your compliance with the Research Integrity Policy which requires authors at UWA to acknowledge the papers they publish were undertaken at UWA.
  3. Licensing: 
    Your Open Access article will be published under a Creative Common Licence. The licence specifies how the work can be reused. The publisher may have a set licence that all articles are published under, or you may have the option to choose which Creative Commons licence you wish to apply to your work based on the options provided by the publisher. When you have the option, the UWA Research Integrity Policy recommends publishing OA under the CC BY licence. This is the least restrictive licence and makes research outputs truly "open". For more information on Creative Commons licensing, see the Licencing page of this guide.

UWA OA agreements, memberships and discounts

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in AIP journals without incurring individual APC payments.

Number of Included Articles:

  • Capped agreement - shared publishing allowance of 332 articles by authors from participating institutions

Article Licence:

Included Titles:

  • See Title List - Included titles marked with 'Yes' in column B

Full information and author journey:

Type of Agreement

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in APA journals without incurring individual APC payments.

Number of Included Articles

  • No limits on number of articles published.

Article Licence

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence.

Included Titles

  • See Title List - Included titles marked with 'Yes' in column B.

Full Information and Author Journey

Type of Agreement:

  • 50% APC Discount

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

More Information:

  • All peer reviewed research articles submitted in 2024 with a UWA corresponding author are eligible
  • UWA corresponding author will be identified based on their affiliation as listed in the submitted article
  • ASME journals may charge other page and colour fees, and these are the responsibility of the author

Type of Agreement:

  • Subscribe to Open (S2O) - articles will be published open access in Annual Reviews journals free of individual cost to authors

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published under this initiative in 2024

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

More Information:

  • See information on the Annual Reviews webpage
  • Articles with a 2024 submission date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in ACM journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles

  • No limits on number of articles published.

Article Licence

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence.

Included Titles

Full Information and Author Journey

Type of Agreement:

  • Subscribe to Open (S2O) - articles will be published open access in Berghahn Open Anthro journals free of individual cost to authors

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published under this initiative in 2024

Article Licence:

Included titles:

More Information:

  • See information on the Berghahn Open Anthro webpage
  • Articles with a 2024 submission date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in Biochemical Society journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published

Article Licence:

Included Titles:

  • See Title List - All Biochemical Society journals are included in this agreement

Full Information and Author Journey:

Type of Agreement:

  • 15% APC Discount

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

More Information:

  • All peer reviewed research articles accepted in 2024 with a UWA corresponding author are eligible
  • UWA corresponding author will be identified based on their email address and affiliation as listed in the submitted article

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in CUP journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a choice of either a CC BY or CC BY-NC licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List - included titles marked with 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:

Type of Agreement:

  • Institutional Membership Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in Cogitatio Press journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included Titles and More Information:

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish in Company of Biologists journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List- Included titles marked 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • Includes all hybrid and gold journals
  • Agreement valid for articles accepted in 2024

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement -This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in some of CSIRO's gold and hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published

Article Licence:

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Included titles marked 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most of Elsevier's hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • Capped agreement - shared publishing allowance of 10,440 articles across all institutions

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with the choice of either a CC BY or CC BY-NC licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Search for a keyword or the name of a specific journal or filter by subject area

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • 15% discount on Open Access publishing in titles not in the Read and Publish agreement
  • Articles with a 2023-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This Read and Publish agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in all of The Geological Society hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments.

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on number of articles published under this agreement in 2024./li>

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

  • Title List- This agreement allows for publishing in all 10 of the Geological Society's actively published journals and book series.

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024 submission date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most of IoP's hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limits on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Included titles marked with 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • Articles with a 2024-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement -This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in all of IWA's hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limits on number of articles published

Article Licence:

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Included titles marked 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • Articles with a 2024-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most of John Benjamins' hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limits on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Included titles marked 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • Articles with a 2024-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most Karger hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limits on number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY-NC licence

Included Titles:

  • Title List - Included titles listed as 'Yes' in column B

Full Information and Author Journey:


  • Articles with a 2024 acceptance date are eligible to be published under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • 10% APC Discount

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

More Information:

  • All articles submitted in 2024 with a UWA corresponding author are eligible
  • UWA corresponding author will be identified based on their institutional email address and affiliation on the paper

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in all of the Microbiology Society hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

  • Title List - Included titles listed as 'Yes' in column B

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024 acceptance date are eligible to be published open access under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in some OUP hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • Capped agreement - the agreement provides an allowance of 1,101 articles to be published in 2024 across all participating institutions

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • Title List - Included titles listed as 'Yes' in column B

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024 acceptance date are eligible to be published open access under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in all of The Royal Society's hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published under this agreement in 2024

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a CC BY licence

Included titles:

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024 acceptance date are eligible to be published open access under this agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • 15% APC Discount

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • All RSC journals that offer an open access option

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement and APC Discount - This agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most of SAGE's hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published under this agreement in 2024

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • Title List - titles included for full APC cover under the Read and Publish agreement are listed as 'Yes' in column B. Gold OA titles with a 20% APC discount will have a 'Yes' in the final column of this sheet (but a No in column B) .

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2023-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published open access under this agreement
  • 20% discount on APCs for articles published in SAGE Gold Open Access journals not included in the Read and Publish agreement

Type of Agreement:

  • Publish Open Access at no cost through UWA's partnership with SCOAP3

Number of Included Articles:

  • No limit on the number of articles published

Article Licence:

  • Articles published with a variety of Creative Commons licences

Included titles:

More Information:

  • Articles accepted in 2024 are eligible
  • An ORCID must be provided for the corresponding author(s).

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement and APC Discount (SpringerOpen) - This Read and Publish agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most of Springer's hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments. There is a separate discount on APC charges for SpringerOpen titles. Nature Publishing Group titles are not included in this agreement, but UWA offers a separate fund for corresponding authors of Nature articles.

Number of Included Articles:

  • Read and Publish agreement is a capped agreement - shared publishing allowance of 3,511 articles by authors of participating CAUL institutions in 2024.
  • No limit on SpringerOpen APC Discounts.

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • Read & Publish Title List - included titles listed as 'Yes' in column B. Nature journals are not included in this agreement.
  • UWA has an APC fund for publications in Nature with a UWA corresponding author. More information available on the Staff Intranet.
  • SpringerOpen discount applies to all SpringerOpen journals

More Information:

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement and APC Discount - This Read and Publish agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in some T&F hybrid journals without incurring individual APC payments.
  • There is a separate discount on APC charges for some journal titles not covered as part of this agreement.

Number of Included Articles:

  • Capped agreement - shared publishing allowance of 3,850 articles by authors of participating CAUL institutions in 2024

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • Title List - included titles listed as 'Yes' in column B.
  • Some Taylor & Francis journal titles not included in the agreement may benefit from a 10% discount on APCs, consult the final column in the title list for eligibility.

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024-2025 acceptance date are eligible to be published open access under this agreement
  • Some journals not included in the Read and Publish agreement may benefit from a 10% discount on APCs.

Type of Agreement:

  • CAUL Read and Publish Agreement - This Read and Publish agreement allows UWA corresponding authors to publish open access in most Wiley hybrid and gold journals without incurring individual APC payments.

Number of Included Articles:

  • Capped agreement - shared publishing allowance of 6,900 articles by authors of participating CAUL institutions in 2024

Article Licence:

Included titles:

  • Title List- included titles marked as 'Yes' in column B. Includes a selection of both gold and hybrid journals.

More Information:

  • See CAUL Agreement page
  • Articles with a 2024 submission date are eligible to be published under this agreement


 Except for logos, Canva designs or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.