Many of our large Current News databases include historical and foreign-language newspapers from around the world.
They include:
We also have databases that specialise in collecting historical news sources.
You will find below:
A selection of foreign-language newspapers and databases has been provided.
Tip! To find archival editions of individual newspaper titles - like The Observer, Pravda, The Sydney Morning Herald, The New York Times etc. - simply search for the newspaper title in OneSearch.
A selection of mainly English historical newspaper databases.
The UWA Library subscribes to a range of foreign-language historical newspaper databases. Some of the foreign language historical newspapers available through OneSearch are listed below.
Tip! A lot of historical newspapers are freely available through Google. For example, Euopeana Newspapers contains a huge collection of freely available European historical newspapers.
Did you know that many historical newspapers are freely available online?
For American and Canadian historical news sources, search the Google News Archive, while historical Australian news sources are available through Trove.
You can locate locate historical WA newspapers in Trove. Here is the link to the available Newspapers
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