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Keeping Your Research Current

A guide to tools and services that help you stay up to date with research in your area.

Web alerts

Stay up-to-date with what is being published on the web in your subject area.

  • Google Alerts A Google search on your search terms is performed at specific intervals and results are emailed to your Gmail address. You can choose to search 'everything' or just specific types of content such as news stories, blogs, videos and so on. 
  • Giga Alert  Giga Alert is an automated search and web intelligence solution for monitoring your professional interests online. It tracks the web for your personalized topics and sends you new results by daily email. While it is a paid service, a lengthy free trial enables you to try it out and compare results to those of Google Alerts. 
  • Internet Scout provides tools and technology for finding high quality information on the web.

Note that it is not effective to use generative text AI services to find information online. This is due to two aspects of these services:

  1. Large Language Models are trained on a database of text, and require time to process new text into the service. Therefore, these databases do not contain the most recent information.
  2. Generative text AIs do not search the internet for information. They are designed to generate text. They do this by generating the most probable, or common, word and sentence combinations suggested by the database of text they are trained on. Therefore the prompt "Provide a list of the most recent news on X topic" could return a list of article headlines. However these would not be retrieved by searching online, they would be generated by combining common word combinations from news headlines in the AI's database. Therefore, it is likely the headlines generated will not represent real published articles.

News Outlets

Students and staff of UWA can access major global newspapers, magazines, trade journals and newsletters full text through Newsbank.

For more information and other news resources please visit the Newspapers and News Sources guide.



microphone and sound wavesPodcasts are spoken audio, very much like radio programs, except they are intended to be listened to at a time of the listener's choosing, rather than at a specific time of broadcast. Most podcasts are a serial, published in regular episodes. You can subscribe to podcasts on apps such as Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or download or listen to episodes from the podcast's website.

Many academics, researchers and experts are interviewed in podcasts, or even host a podcast themselves. Podcasts can be a great option to hear about the latest research. There are now a great many podcasts available on a huge variety of topics.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 

News services

Online Newspaper Databases - Current News


 Except for logos, Canva designs, AI generated images or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.