Bloomberg is a financial markets database providing real-time and historical financial market & economic data, with international coverage. Use it to find company financials, stock market indices, analyst reports, and more.
Access options:
*Note: remote access to this terminal was temporarily available during the COVID-19 outbreak but has now ceased.
Barry J Marshall Library
1. Make your booking using the online booking calendar -
2. At the Bloomberg terminal (Barry J Marshall Library, ground floor southwest corner) log in with your UWA Uni ID details.
3. In the bottom left corner of the screen type Bloomberg and press enter.
4. You will be prompted for your login name and password. If you have not previously created an account choose “Create a new login” and follow the instructions to enter your name, create a password and enter your contact details (including email address and mobile phone). You will need to validate your login details by entering a code that will be sent to the email address that you have entered as part of your contact details.
Business School
1. Log in to the computer with your UWA Personal ID details as requested. In the bottom left corner of the screen type Bloomberg and press enter.
2. Click anywhere in the screen titled “1-BLOOMBERG” (you will see this in the extreme top left of this screen). You will then be prompted for your login name and password. If you have not previously created an account follow the instructions for setting this up (see Barry J Marshall Library Step 4 above). Once you enter the Bloomberg login details, two additional Bloomberg screens open (4 screens in total) indicating that Bloomberg is ready for access.
To access Help, once you've opened the Bloomberg terminal, either press HELP in the top menu
Or press the green F1 Help button on the Bloomberg keyboard
This will launch the Getting Started with the Bloomberg menu
From here, access Meet the Terminal and Help Resources
You can access tours on navigating the terminal, customising your settings, functions, tools and getting answers
For assistance using Bloomberg there is extensive help, including 24/7 live chat, within the program. To contact Bloomberg's live 24-hour Help Desk, press the F1 Help button twice, or go to the Help & Support page.
Or use the "Live Help" button in the top menu:
After exporting data from Bloomberg to an Excel spreadsheet format, the Bloomberg Excel Add-In needs to be activated for the data to display correctly in Excel.
The Bloomberg Add-In is installed on the Marshall Library Bloomberg & LSEG PC, but just needs to be activated on your own login. To activate the Excel Add-In:
Any data or windows in Bloomberg that are exported via the "export to Excel" function in Bloomberg will now display live data in Excel.
Clicking the Bloomberg menu option in Excel will display the Bloomberg ribbon at the top of your Excel spreadsheet.
Clicking the Workspace menu option in Excel will display the Workspace ribbon at the top of your Excel spreadsheet.
Email your questions to our friendly library staff.
HDR Students
UWA Staff
More contact options are available on the Library Contact us page.
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