For further support, contact the Library: (for UWA staff) (for HDR students)
Since 2014, the ARC has required researchers to outline how they plan to manage research data arising from ARC-funded research. From 2020, this requirement formed part of the agreement for funding under the National Competitive Grants Program,
The ARC's requirement is designed to encourage researchers to consider the ways in which they can best manage, store, disseminate and reuse data. Researchers, in consultation with institutions, have a responsibility to consider the management and future potential of their research data, taking into account the particular approaches, standards and uses for data that may exist in different institutions, disciplines and research projects. Some institutions may have infrastructure and/or processes in place for storing, managing and sharing data - these are valuable resources that should be utilised.
Whilst the ARC does not require that full, detailed data management plans be submitted for assessment, it is required that such plans are in place prior to the commencement of the project. Currently, the ARC does not mandate open access to data.
In relation to management of research data, the NHMRC Open Access Policy (2022, updated Nov 2023) at 2.3, states,
Researchers are encouraged to adhere to the F.A.I.R. (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) Principles and CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance.
NHMRC strongly encourage researchers to develop a research data management plan at the start of each research project, as a matter of best practice. Research data management plans should consider collection, curation, quality assurance, storage, preservation and dissemination in an appropriate manner. Planning for well-managed data collections before the project commences will facilitate making the data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
View the policy for more information.
GRDC RD&E Data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) to realise its maximum value.
From 2023, GRDC research contracts require research partners to:
The checklist and video below, demonstrate the steps for recording GRDC-funded datasets in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository with sufficient detail to fulfil GRDC requirements.
Important notes
For further assistance with fulfilling these data requirements, please contact
Additional support for GRDC funding applicants is available on the UWA Office of Research GRDC funding intranet page.
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