Journal -level metrics may sometimes be used to refer to the "quality" of the journals in which you have published in grant or promotion applications. Like other impact measurements, journal metrics have their limitations:
Journal metrics and ranking from the Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
Eigenfactor metrics
To see the research performance of a journal in SciVal go to Overview and select the Scopus Sources option from the menu and search for a journal by title.
UlrichsWeb global series directory
Directory of Open Access Journals
Clarivate Analytics Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Impact factors are newly available for journals in the arts and humanities, since 2023. Inclusion in this index is often considered an indicator of a journal's quality.
Clarivate Analytics Social Science Citation Index (available through Web of Science).
European Reference Index for Humanities
Expert Panels review and rank journals proposed by the various ESF Member Organisations as well as by editors and publishers. 14 disciplines are covered: Anthropology, Archeology, Art Architectural and Design History, Classical studies, Gender Studies, History, History and Philosophy of Science, Linguistics, Literature, Musicology, Pedagological and Educational Research, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies.
As journal ranking information is limited for humanities journals alternative metrics may need to be found. One such metric is the rejection rate for a publication. Some journals list this information in the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
Click on Choose Databases and then select MLA Directory of Periodicals.
Next enter a journal title and Search button. If found, click on the journal title to bring up the full Directory entry. The difference between Articles Submitted Per Year and Articles Published Per Year gives the rejection rate.
ABDC Journal Ratings List
The Australian Business Deans Council rankings for journals business, economics and law. Ranking relies on citation metrics, other reputable journal quality lists and discipline experts. Journals are ranked in A, B or C categories.
InCites Essential Science Indicators (accessed from the black navigation bar at the top of Web of Science)
An analytical tool from Clarivate Analytics offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries and journals.
With Essential Science Indicators, you can:
Science citation index expanded
Journals in the Science Citation Index are typically high impact titles in many of the science disciplines.
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