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Research Data Management Toolkit: Determine the Retention of Research Records

Best practices in Research Data Management promote research integrity and collaborative opportunities. A Research Data Management Plan ensures data security, accessibility and validation of results.

WAUSDA Quick Guide to Determine the Retention of Research Records






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Definition of major research

Records relating to University research projects with outcomes that are or become:

• of high interest;

• the subject of widespread debate or contention in the public arena;

• have a major national or international significance;

• change the commonly held view or approach (paradigm shifting);

• alter or vary the typical example;

• where the principle investigator has a widely acknowledged influence in the area of scholarship;

• representative case for or epitome of a subject;

• projects that involve the use of major or new innovative techniques;

• have potential major or long term impact on the environment, heritage, society or human health; or

• have a legislative requirement to retain the records permanently, such as research involving Gene Therapy and Biotechnology.

Minor research

Records relating to research that is not deemed major, as outlined above.

Definition of a clinical trial

A clinical trial is a form of human research designed to find out the effects of an intervention, including a treatment or diagnostic procedure.

A clinical trial can involve testing a drug, a surgical procedure, other therapeutic procedures and devices, a preventive procedure, or a diagnostic device or procedure.(definition from: National Health & Medical Research Council (2009) National Statement on the Ethical Conduct of Human Research, pg 33)


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