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Research Data Management Toolkit: Compliance

Best practices in Research Data Management promote research integrity and collaborative opportunities. A Research Data Management Plan ensures data security, accessibility and validation of results.


The Western Australian University Sector Disposal Authority (WAUSDA) is the result of collaborations between UWA, ECU, Curtin and Murdoch to facilitate consistent and standardised approaches to lawful records disposal for Universities in Western Australia. WAUSDA was approved by the State Records Commission of WA in March 2012.

Management of research data and primary materials

3.2   Research Data must be held along with other records associated with the research project and retained in accordance with the Western Australian University Sector Disposal Authority and the UWA Records Management Policy.

The UWA Recordkeeping Plan (UWA RKP) complies with the State Records Act 2000. WAUSDA forms the retention and disposal component of the RKP for all public universities.

For more information please see the Western Australian University Sector Disposal Authority or contact Records Management Services .

The UWA Recordkeeping Plan (UWA RKP) reflects the organisation’s recordkeeping program including systems, disposal, policies and processes. As a statutory authority, established under an Act of Parliament, UWA falls within the scope of the State Records Act 2000. The UWA RKP provides evidence of compliance with the Act.

The UWA RKP applies to:

  • UWA employees;
  • UWA contractors;
  • Convocation;
  • Organisations providing outsourced services for UWA;
  • Regional and offshore offices of UWA; and
  • UWA volunteers.

For further information on minimum retention periods see the UWA Recordkeeping Plan or contact Records Management Services.


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