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EndNote referencing software: Why & How to Learn EndNote

Software that helps automate your referencing. In this guide find out about EndNote, download EndNote (UWA staff and students only) and complete our EndNote Learning Path

Update to EndNote 21

The EndNote Referencing Software has recently been updated to Version 21.  The Learning Path below relates to V20.X9 and prior versions.   

EndNote 21 version aims to make it even easier to use EndNote to collect and manage your references and to use it with MS Word to automate the creation of your references; both in-text and end-text.  Both EndNote X9 and 20 are available for installation on personal and staff computers. Both versions are now available on all student computers at UWA computer labs and libraries. 

To complete the EndNote 21 Learning Path and download the latest version make your way through the EndNote guide tabs:   

  • INTRO to EndNote - Why you should consider using EndNote and support for learning how to use use it for your studies. 
  • GET EndNote – how to download your free version of EndNote for your personal device and using EndNote on UWA computers. 
  • References to EndNote – the many ways to get references into your EndNote library from manual entry to automatic import.
  • STYLES in EndNote – selecting the referencing style to use and learning the citation requirements for different formats.   
  • References in WORD – how to use EndNote to cite while you write (CWYW) and create your end-text reference list. 
  • ORGANISE & Manage – How to add notes, labels, organise your references into groups and attach and annotate full-text PDF articles within EndNote. 
  • SHARE  & Backup  – How to use your library on multiple devices, share and collaborate with others on your references and create backups of your EndNote Library. 
  • SUPPORT and FAQs – search for a specific FAQ on our guide or on the Clarivate Knowledge base and find out how to get further support.  

Why & How to Learn EndNote Content Page

In this Learning Path section: 



General question about the EndNote Learning Path

If you have a general question about this Endnote Learning Path send us an AskUWA contact email

Why Learn EndNote

EndNote Software provides a personal library space where you can collate all the references from the information sources you have used.  EndNote works in partnership with MS Word to automate the creation of the in-text and end-text reference list; to acknowledge sources you have referred to in your own works. 

Investing time in learning how to use EndNote will save you time in the long run and allow you to build your own ongoing record of research literature you have used throughout your studies. 

This EndNote Learning Path

We have developed this learning path to step you through how to set up and learn how to use Endnote Referencing Software. 

  • The left-hand menu reflects the main steps you need to take to set up your Endnote Library and use its core features; 
  • Each step will include an overview and will be supplemented by a short introductory video, where possible; 
  • We will then guide you through learning activities to help you master each of the steps; 
  • We have included ways in which you can contact us directly if you need help at any time. 

Most of the videos have been sourced from LinkedIn Learning - a large course platform provided free to UWA Students and Staff. 

These have been embedded throughout the learning steps; to view these and other courses on the LinkedIn Learning platform, view our information about setting up your authentication to use LinkedIn Learning

What is EndNote, who uses it and how?

Here is your first LinkedIn Learning video from the Course: "Endnote Essentials Training".This course is focused on Endnote X8 however this functionality is the same as EndNote X9 - the version currently supported by UWA. 

This video segment "What is Endnote, who uses it, and how?" runs for the 3m54s, and will provide you with a good overview. 

What is EndNote, who uses it, and how? from EndNote Essential Training by David Rivers

The whole "EndNote Essentials Trainingcourse runs for 1hr, 23-minute course consisting of 25 short videos across 7 modules.   It includes exercise files so you can try out your learning as you go. Where relevant, alternative commands for use with Macs are also provided.

We will feature segments throughout this Learning Path.  If you want to do this LinkedIn Course in its entirety set up your access first. 


Access to LinkedIn Learning Courses

Linkedin Learning is a platform that provides you with access to a wide range of online courses aimed at supporting you to develop skills in the use of business, research and creative technologies as well as career skills. 

Access is free for all UWA Staff and Students, however you need to activate your account.  Because of the partnership between LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning you will also need to set up a LinkedIn profile, if you don't already have one.  

Please go to our LinkedIn Learning at UWA for further support and instructions. 

Contact us through AskUWA or on our Live Chat Lines if you need any help.  



 Let's get started on Step 1 -Setting up your Endnote Library


 Except for logos, Canva designs or where otherwise indicated, content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.