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Mendeley referencing software: Organise & Manage References

Software that helps with referencing. In this guide learn about Mendeley and download Mendeley.

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Manage my References

As your Mendeley library grows it will be important that you correctly manage your references to make them easier to find and protect them from accidental loss or corruption.

Mendeley provides tools to help you manage your references and keep your research organised and on-track:

Search - will help you locate references in your library

Folders - groups references into logical groups.  These may be permanent or just used temporarily for a particular task

Backup - makes a copy of your library in a single compressed file which can be stored on another device or the cloud 

Duplicate references - check for references that may have been added to Mendeley multiple times from different sources, and merge them. This is essential prior to inserting references into a Word document.


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