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Mendeley referencing software: Sharing & Collaborating

Software that helps with referencing. In this guide learn about Mendeley and download Mendeley.

Contact for support

Email your questions to our friendly library staff.


HDR Students

UWA Staff

More contact options are available on the Library Contact us page.

What are Groups

Mendeley is designed to allow researchers to collaborate, using a shared library of references. This is achieved through creating "Private Groups" and inviting collaborators to join.

UWA Mendeley Institutional Edition subscription

UWA currently has Mendeley Institutional Edition, which provides additional features in your online Mendeley account over those provided by the free version. The Institutional Edition provides users with unlimited private groups of up to 100 collaborators, instead of 5 private groups of up to 25 collaborators with a free account. Use your email address for your Mendeley account and log in on campus to access the Institutional Edition.

In Private Groups documents can be shared among all members, even those outside the institution of the host (ie non-UWA users can access subscription-only documents from UWA).


  Free Mendeley online account Mendeley Institutional Edition
Personal storage space 2 GB 100 GB
Shared storage space (use for groups) 100 MB 100 GB
Number of private groups 5 Unlimited
Number of collaborators per private group 25 100

Note that access to PDFs downloaded from Library databases is generally restricted to UWA staff and students, depending on the database licence terms. PDFs downloaded from UWA Library databases should be deleted from your Library when you leave UWA. It is recommended that you do not share any copyright-protected file attachments if sharing in a private group; however, if you do need to share file attachments, ensure you are only sharing then with other UWA staff or students for their personal research purposes.


Using Groups

To create private groups in Mendeley for collaborating with colleagues:

  1. All collaborators will require a free Mendeley online account. The shared storage limit for the group will be based on the storage limit of the 'owner' of the group, so it is recommended to ensure your Mendeley account is upgraded to the Mendeley Institutional Edition.
  2. In Mendeley (online or Mendeley Reference Manager) in the left side, under Private Groups, click New Group
    Private Groups. New Group.
  3. Type a name for the group and press Enter 
    Private Groups. Example Group. New group.
  4. Right click on the group name and click Manage Group 
    Example group. Right click menu: Manage Group, Rename Group, Delete Group
  5. This opens the Preferences panel. Click the 'Invite members' button. Preferences. Example Group (owner). Invite members button.
  6. Enter the email addresses of colleagues you would like to invite to access references in the group. Ensure to use the email address linked to their Mendeley account.
  7. Click 'Send invites'

Invite Members to: Example Group (owner). Email addresses. Button: send invites.

To add references from your Mendeley library to a private group, drag and drop references to the group, exactly the same as when adding references to personal Collections. This will not remove the reference from your personal library. You will still be able to locate the reference in 'All References', as well as in the Group.


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